There is no right way to breastfeed or a specific pattern of breastfeeding.
It will take a few weeks for you and your baby to learn to breastfeed. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Every mom needs help and support to get breastfeeding off to a good start. It takes a community.
Your body has everything it needs to breastfeed, regardless of your breast or nipple shape or size.

There’s Almost No Such Thing as “Too Often” or “Too Long”
Babies breastfeeding routines change to meet their growing needs. This means sometimes your baby nurses frequently for short, intense sessions or some days prefers long leisurely feedings; both of these are normal as long as the baby is thriving and gaining weight. If you are concerned that your baby is not getting enough food, click here: how to know my full term infant is getting enough food – or contact your health care provider.

How much food does my baby need?
Parents often ask questions about how to know if their baby is getting enough food when breastfeeding because there is no way of “measuring” the amount of food taken from the breast.
The best way to ensure your baby is getting enough food is to understand the size of a new born’s stomach and by paying attention to the baby’s output. As your baby grows following feeding cues and feeding on demand is important for maintaining your milk supply and meeting your baby’s food needs.
Did you know?

Baby Blues/Postpartum Mood Disorder
Almost 4 out of 5 moms experience postpartum blues or baby blues
Pregnancy and the birth of a baby brings physical, emotional, and social changes. Adjustments to the new roles and relationships are not always easy.
You may:
- Feel irritable
- Feel exhausted
- Feel overwhelmed
- Feel sad and tearful
- Have changes in your eating patterns
- Have changes in your sleeping patterns
This is normal.
It can happen in the first few days or weeks after your baby is born. If it does not pass after the first few weeks don’t be ashamed to ask for help.
Take care of yourself!
Let family & friends help you
Sometimes the ‘blues’ don’t go away or you find that you also feel this way during your baby’s first two years.
If you have had any of these symptoms for more than 2 weeks, do not wait. There is help for you and your family!
You may also:
- Not feel yourself
- Be sad and tearful
- Feel exhausted, but unable to sleep
- Feel overwhelmed and can’t concentrate
- Have no interest or please in activities you once enjoyed
- Feel hopeless or frustrated
- Feel restless, irritable or angry
- Feel extremely high and full of energy
- Feel anxious (aches, chest pains, shortness of breath, numbness, tingling or a ‘lump’ in the throat)
- Feel guilty and ashamed, thinking you are not a good mother
- Not be bonding with baby, or be afraid to be alone with the baby
- Have repeated scary thoughts about the baby
- Have thoughts about harming yourself or the baby
Do not blame yourself, ask for help
- Call your health care provider (family physician, midwife, nurse, nurse practioner, OB/GYN, phsychaitrist)
- INFO line to find your public health agency 1-866-532-3161
- Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-000 or TYY 1-866-797-0007
- Mental Health Services Information Ontario 1-866-531-2600
- Best Start PPMD Handout (click to download)
For most mothers and babies who are both in good health, breastfeeding can present a wide range of experiences, challenges and loving moments of daily connection – but it’s all “normal” in the end.